Fresno Depression Therapy
Depression is one of the most common reasons for someone to seek counseling. Signs and symptoms of depression include but are not limited to: anger, feelings of hopelessness, feelings of worthlessness, persistent sadness/crying, inability to sleep or excessive sleeping, thoughts of self-harm or suicide, lack of enjoyment in previously enjoyed activities. These symptoms of depression can make daily life feel overwhelming, and unmanageable. I provide empathy and understanding for those struggling with depression. In the safe therapeutic environment that I provide you will be able to process your feelings, identify your strengths, and find relief from the symptoms of depression.
Throughout our lives most people experience sad or depressed feelings due to losses, stress, or daily life struggles. When the feeling of sadness is intense and intrusive in daily life you could be suffering from depression or major depressive disorder (MDD). Feeling hopeless, helpless, and/or worthless are also signs of depression. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders. Depression can be caused by biological, environmental, psychological, or genetic factors. Depression doesn’t look the same for everyone and there are different forms of depression. Common forms of depression include: seasonal affective disorder, bipolar depression, persistent depressive disorder, major depressive disorder, perinatal/postpartum depression, and psychotic depression.
Common symptoms of depression are:
- Anger
- Persistent sadness or crying
- Irritability
- Sleep disturbances: insomnia or excessive sleeping
- Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
- Lack of pleasure or enjoyment in previously enjoyed activities (anhedonia)
- Changes in appetite and/or changes in weight
- Fatigue or lack of energy
- Difficulty concentrating
- Physical pain (body aches, headaches, etc.)
These symptoms of depression can make daily life feel overwhelming, and unmanageable. I provide empathy and understanding as well as utilize techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help people struggling with depression. In the safe therapeutic environment that I provide you will be able to process your feelings, identify your strengths, and find relief from the symptoms of depression.