Cognitive Behavioral Therapy And Addiction: A Powerful Healing Combination
Apr 20, 2017
is a serious physical and mental health concern that can lead to a
variety of problems, including depression and anxiety. Cognitive
behavioral therapy or CBT can help beat it on its own terms.
The Nature Of CBT
is a therapy method focused on changing negative bFehavior cycles that
can devastate a person's life. The idea here is that people often think
or behave in cycles that can be
hard to break. CBT works to identify these cycles and find a way to
disrupt them. Then it creates positive patterns to replace them.
How It Helps With Addiction
is both a physical and mental problem. With the help of detoxification,
a person can eliminate the addictive substance from their system. While
they'll always have some
cravings for the substance, the hardest part of this process is
eliminating the mental need for an addiction.
a person uses a substance regularly, they come to rely on it mentally.
Some people may even use them to treat serious mental health problems.
Losing their substance in this
way can be a very difficult situation that leads to depression, anxiety,
and other serious concerns.
Managing The Anxiety And Depression of Addiction
CBT works on addiction by managing the anxiety and depression
associated with the problem. It eliminates the need for self-treatment
by creating positive coping methods
that make it easier for a person to live their life without drugs. In
this way, those can beat anxiety, depression, and addiction in one fell
If you are interested in learning more about CBT and how it can help you with anxiety, depression, or addiction, please contact
us today.
Category: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
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