5 Natural Ways to Controlling Your Anxiety
Jan 11, 2018
individuals carry stress in manageable ways, others however go beyond
that. Carrying high levels of stress is the main cause of anxiety, and
from there it becomes
an everyday lifestyle. Below, you will find some tips and tricks on controlling your everyday anxiety in a healthy and natural way.
comes the diet. No, you don't have to change your entire way of eating.
Though, there is one substance in particular that MUST leave your life:
caffeine. A
cup of coffee a day may keep the crankiness away, but anything beyond
that is only a form of harming yourself. The effects of caffeine on your
nervous system is one key root in keeping anxiety alive in your body.
find a form of exercise. Meditation is always highlighted in relevance
to anxiety due to its overall effects of mindfulness within the body.
allows for the body and mind to shut itself down for a short while to
rejuvenate; a form of unconsciousness so to speak. Anxiety multiples
within the brain and thoughts, putting those one hold can also reflect
on your anxiety.
find something to do with the time that you spend "worrying". Do you
have any hobbies? Activities such as knitting/stitching, reading, and
even writing can
bring down your anxiety quite a few notches. The reasoning behind this
is once again, you are trying to push your mind and thoughts into a
different area-separated from anxiety. Finding hobbies that require a
lot of mental focus or thinking are sure to help!
discussing the fourth way to help control your anxiety, reflect back on
the idea of meditation and mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to
shut your mind
off completely, and focus primarily on what is right in front you
including your surroundings. The fourth way of doing this is to set
aside "quiet time" in your daily agenda. Even if this means sitting in
your car on your lunch break, every individual needs
at least ten minutes a day to sit in silence and collect their
you get done with the above four techniques try one of the best: just
go with it. If you have anxiety, then you know first hand what it's like
to write multiple
to-do lists or skip out on events and plans due to lack of reasoning. So
just go with it. If you can't bring yourself to do the laundry that
day, don't stress it! Go and do what your inner self desires, after all
that is where the true mindfulness comes in!
Please contact us for more information on controlling your anxiety naturally.
Category: Anxiety Therapy
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