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Couples Counseling for New Parents

As if it isn't bad enough that the new parents are stressed, sleep deprived, and starting to resent each other, often times the couple are too tired and short on time to even bother with working on their marriage. Thus, the romance inevitably dies, commun…

Couples Counseling and Marriage

Most married couples attend marriage counseling as the last resort to the end of their union together. This misconception of marriage counseling is that counseling is only a tool to use to work out problems to save the marriage before a divorce. Counselor…
Most married couples attend marriage counseling as the last resort to the end of their uni…on together. This misconception of marriage counseling is that counseling is only a tool to use

Couples Counseling: Rekindle the Feelings You Had on Your Honeymoon

​If you've been through some challenging times as a couple, it can be helpful to work things out in counseling. One of the activities counselors may suggest is rekindling your relationship by returning to things you liked to do together in the first stage…