Blog Search Couples Counseling for New Parents As if it isn't bad enough that the new parents are stressed, sleep deprived, and starting to resent each other, often times the couple are too tired and short on time to even bother with working on their marriage. Thus, the romance inevitably dies, commun… How Couples Counseling Can Help 3 Types of Couples When should you go in for couples counseling? Is there a best time? Sometimes, couples go in for counseling when the relationship is on the rocks. At this time, it might be a bit late to rebuild the relationship. So it's best to go in for couples counseli… Couples Counseling: Can it Help? There are some questions that a person may ask themselves before considering couples counseling. Can couples counseling help me and my partner? It can help with a variety of issues to help rebuild and repair your relationship to help make it stronger tha… Reconcile Your Intimate Relationship with Fresno Couples Counseling Couples counseling can be a life-changer when the couple finally decides to see a counselor, usually after enduring years of endless arguments. They now have a third person to provide them with a different perspective on what is happening in their relatio… Convincing Your Partner to Attend Counseling When deciding whether to start couples counseling, it may be difficult to convince your partner. If you and your partner are having communication issues, seeking outside help can be the best decision. If your partner believes your relationship is good and…